When you submit this registration form, you understand the following:
The Australian National University (ANU) collects the personal information in this form to identify your needs and update your student administration system record. We will handle your personal information in accordance with the ANU Privacy Policy. If you do not provide the information we ask for in this form, we may not be able to assist you appropriately or at all. The ANU Privacy Policy is available at https://policies.anu.edu.au/ppl/document/ANUP_010007 or you can ask us for a copy. The Privacy Policy also contains information about how you can gain access to or seek correction of your personal information, and how to make a complaint about privacy at ANU.
I acknowledge and agree that in order for Access and Inclusion to arrange support:
- all relevant student details and subject information held in University’s student systems may be accessed by your DisAbility and Equity Advisor (DEA), including storage and use in the third-party Symplicity Access system used by the University to manage the provision of the access and inclusion services.
- I give permission for Access & Inclusion to use my personal information, including information about my disability or medical condition and its impact on my studies, as described in the above collection notice, and to share it with relevant University Staff on a need-to-know basis to assist those staff to consider requests for alternative arrangements in relation to my study at the ANU.
- I give permission for Access & Inclusion to forward my Education Access Plan (EAP) electronically to the nominated Academic College(s).
- Acknowledge that I am to reschedule appointments or notify Access and Inclusion by phone or email if I am unable to maintain a scheduled appointment, and I will attempt for notification to occur at least 24 hours prior to the appointment time.
Personal information remains confidential and?will?only be released with your consent, except when:
a) a team member is concerned that you or another person is at risk of harm.
b) The team has a legal obligation to do so, such as under subpoena or court order.